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Showing posts from October, 2013

Repurposed brass chandelier

We've always hated our gold brass chandelier, but haven't had the money to buy a new one. When at a friends house recently, I saw that she had spray painted  a similar chandelier for her baby's room.  I love the nickel finish, but as we have black furniture in our dining room, and had black spray paint on hand, we went with black. I read some reviews online of people that hung the chandelier from a tree to paint it. We had some empty boxes in the attic so my husband decided to make his own spray paint chandelier holder.   As you can see, he removed the bulbs and used painters tape around the bulb holders. He painted the bulb cylinders silver.  We may change our mind and go silver but for now its a heck of a lot better than the brass it was before!

Frosted mirror decor

I'm planning a Roaring 20s party for my upcoming birthday and I'm making most of the decorations. When cleaning out the attic recently, my husband found this really old door mirror. He was ready to throw it out but I saw potential! I didn't take a before picture because it was just.. Ew..and I wanted to clean it right away. Stick on letters are best, but since I didn't have any I just made my own letters out of construction paper and taped them down.  I sprayed frosted glass spray then removed the letters after it dried. Some of the spray went under the paper so I used nail polish remover to wipe the letter spaces clean. Next I covered the mirror with paper to spray the frame black.  I'm very happy with how it turned out. Since we had all supplies on hand we didn't spend a dime and got a great decoration for the party!